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Read Photos - Dilhan Wimalka

Dilhan Wimalka

Dilhan Wimalka completed a professional training on Print Journalism at Sri Lanka College of Journalism in 2008. Thereafter, he served as a News Journalist for Lakbima Newspaper (2009 - 2011) and Mawbima Newspaper (2011 – 2015).

After that, from 2015 to 2016, he worked as a News Feature Writer and a News Journalist for Irudina Newspaper and Sunday Leader Newspaper.

Currently he is working as a Journalist for Irida Apple Newspaper.

Elk in a forest, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Hindu cultural event, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Walking into the dust, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Vanishing bird, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Crocodile and bird, In Sri Lanka - Read Photos colorful bird, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Hornbil birds, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Two Sri Lankan ladies - Read Photos Shouting bird, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Migrant birds, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Wild buffalo, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Smiling Old man, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Hindu Deer standing on two legs, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Happy family, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Post war scars  - Read Photos Refugee camp, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Running deer, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Hindu devotees, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Eagle and the blue sky  - Read Photos