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Read Photos - Nadishka Ranasinghe

Nadishka Ranasinghe

Nadika Ranasinghe entered the field of photography after completing a 4-year degree in photography and film at the University of Kelaniya. His first individual photo exhibition was held in 2009. Later he started working as a photographer for several newspapers under the guidance of renowned photojournalists in Sri Lanka. He also provided his service for several teledramas and movies as a still photographer. In 2012, he started a photography course. 

He served as a Creative Director at a leading fashion chain in Sri Lanka. He has been working as a professional photographer for more than 10 years and he has won many national and international awards. Presently, he is working as a Creative Director for commercials, short movies and music videos.

Model - Nadeepa Ranasinghe - Read Photos Traditional women fashion  - Read Photos Lone flower, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (10) - Read Photos Grandmother, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Sun set on a lake, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Buddhist flag colored wood crafts in Sri Lanka - Read Photos Fashion model-edited background  - Read Photos Brothers and sisters, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Street lamps,cycle, tree and the sky - Read Photos Book - Read Photos Tea plucking women, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Fashion model, dark background  - Read Photos A road through trees - Read Photos Wheel - Read Photos Dark room, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Model Nadeepa Ranasinghe - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (6) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (8) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (2) - Read Photos Fashion model (10) - Read Photos Model Nadeepa Ranasinghe (3) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (3) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (11) - Read Photos Model Nadeepa Ranasinghe - Read Photos Tea estate, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (7) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (5) - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Decorated women, Sri Lanka (9) - Read Photos Locked - Read Photos Well dressed Sri Lankan bride - Read Photos Malaysian fashion model, Sri Lanka - Read Photos Clay pot making, Sri Lanka - Read Photos